New marketing reality: Convergence of content and distribution. Let me explain. 

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Media inflation is real, in fact, according to reports it has risen by as much as 30%+ in the last year. 😳

This is a key driver in eroding your customer acquisition costs. Why is it getting more expensive to acquire customers, you ask yourself? 🤨 Well this is part of the reason, plus rising competition across channels and more left-brain advertising is making it harder to stand out. 

But there are certain groups who are killing it. 🚀

These sit in the ‘new media category and are able to amass huge followings for the value they bring and advocacy they have. They have a trusting relationship with their audience and a ‘direct’ way to connect with them. 

They use a variety of ‘owned’ channels and use content to fuel their distribution. In fact, I would argue that their content and distribution engine is one in the way 💡 and they are able to monetise this engine at the lowest customer acquisition costs and bypass the need for paid media. 🧠

Let me give you an example. The Sidemen, managed by the formidable Jordan Schwarzenberger, have achieved over 14 billion views on their channel and have 138 million subscribers.

They get more views on their videos than Strictly Come Dancing and have more followers on YouTube than Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift combined. 🤯

What they have created is amazing and now able to monetise their channels having recently gotten into food, drinks, and merch. They have just launched their vodka in Morrisons, well done Rachel Eyre.

So my question to you, to really really think about is this: 

How are you and you’re organisation leveraging the convergence of content and distribution to add more value to your audiences? 

This is the new marketing. Get on the 🚌

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