Helen Tupper, the brainchild of the best-selling book, The Squiggly Career on The places we’ll go show

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With looming uncertainty in the economy and job market, it’s crucial we adopt a flexible mindset. 💪

Embracing the ‘squigglyness’ will make us more at ease with the current climate and help us to find opportunities in adversity. 🚀

We recently sat down with none other than Helen Tupper, the brainchild (along with Sarah Ellis) of the best selling book, The Squiggly Career on The places we’ll go show.

It was an inspiring session full of twist and turns, as you would expect from the squiggly creator. But most of all it was uplifting and optimistic, just the sauce we need right now. 📈

Thank you for your advice and insights Helen. We appreciate and celebrate your contribution to the industry Helen.

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