Digital Marketing: Guide to Customer Engagement

Leverage digital marketing to engagement customers and drive incremental value from the relationship both online and offline.

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Digital Marketing Customer Engagement

There are various ways that digital marketing can be used for customer engagement both online and offline. Your marketing efforts can receive a further boost by encouraging customers to use these tools whilst visiting the store as well.

Let’s explore a few ways to do this:

1. Use email and mobile marketing to encourage customers to visit your offering

Build a customer database with contact details, including email addresses and mobile numbers. Use this information to send regular newsletters, messages, special promotions, offers, and discounts that encourage customers to visit during non-peak times.

There are three types of communications you can focus on:

2. Encourage customers to pre-order for a seamless experience

A useful technique is to get customers to use digital tools such as messaging, or to use the company website, prior to their arrival in your location. This has a number of advantages, including:

3. Encourage them to use social media to share their experience

This can make customers brand advocates to their individual audiences, enhance their overall CX, and serve as free promotion for you, all of which are great ways to make your business stand out. Here are a few ways to get customers to help with this:

Also ensure that they tag your social media pages, so that you can amplify those posts and, consequently, build relationships. 

4. Use digital customer-service options

Digital tools are also helpful for customer service. Live-chat software allows your business to engage with customers in real-time, while they are on your website or social media page, or presence in person. Marketing and sales platform Drift is an example of one such service that can help customers with any questions or reservations that they might have around making a purchase.

Digital tools can help with the following customer service-related concerns:

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